Jackdaw and the Putrefaction


Robert's heart nearly beat itself out of his ribcage. No matter how far his feet took him, he met same set of greenery. He couldn't gauge for how long he had been running. 

Soil and dew soaked his feet and pruned it, having him slow down even more. His entire body threatened to collapse every five minutes.

Sirens howled over the forest as fatigue overrode the adrenaline that urged him to move faster. Within minutes, his knees met with the ground.

The sounds of the pack drew in, and Robert readied himself to get acquainted with his fate. He looked up.

"...Kate, you're getting away?" Old's face hung over him, drooping like a Bassett Hound. 

The words barely slipped from his lips, "...Who the fuck are they?"

Old gives the two silence before giving into a fit.

"Kate, I don't know what's left, I don't know what's left!"

The sounds bled in and bled out, growing louder each time they reemerged. Robert became tense.

"Man, not fucking this again..."

"Oh, I didn't think it all the way through, I didn't...! Kate, what will they do to you?!"

"I don't even, I don't know! ...That's why I'm fucking asking you, dumbass!"

"Please, don't put up your...don't put up a fight...! Just stay calm, for me! Stay calm for me."

Robert's anxiety peeled off of him. He felt his body heat up as it trembled. In spite of himself, Robert yelled,

"You know what? Fuck no. Fuck no. No, because I'm not gonna fucking get...in your mess because you got what was coming to you. You asked for it!"

Old looked taken aback, but he continued to plead, "...It isn't about me, Kate. It's just, I don't want them to hurt you...so badly. And they will!"

"Fuck off, man. Just fuck off." 

The stampede cornered them. All weapons aimed at his back, Robert refused to turn. Old eyed the mob with lethargy.

"Give in, this is your final warning!" One put out. "You're under arrest!"

Robert sneered at Old. "What did you do this time, you old fart?"

"Kate... you never forget like that..."

"What...? Forget about wh—"

An officer yells, "The fuck are you talking to? Put your hands up and turn slowly, this is an order!"

"Someone should've told this broad that the insane card doesn't work on capital offenses," Another goaded.

Robert swung to Old in disbelief. Old's face didn't offer answers, it still pored at the mob. "I'm not his fucking wife!" 

"Of course we know that, Kate. The whole world knew since yesterday."

"This isn't fucking funny. It isn't!" Old refused to look at him. "Tell them to fuck off, I'm done playing!"

"Alright, let's cut taxpayers some slack."

With the cut of a sentence, bullets ripped through Robert's flesh. Yet, the feeling didn't match the scenery.

As his eyes unfastened, he realized Jessie stood as the culprit, who just finished shaking him by the collar.

"...The fuck're you doing?"

"Get up, kid,  we're going out."


Jessie jerked his head at Enok. He hits Robert's thigh. "Let's go."

Thats all for now folks hhahha